Birthstone Aroma Crystal Bracelet
Birthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal BraceletBirthstone Aroma Crystal Bracelet

This month's birthstone is Opal - Aroma Crystal Bracelet was £20, NOW ONLY £17


Garnet is the birthstone of January and is a powerful energising and regenerating stone. It is the stone of Health and Life Force. It promotes good health and vitality.  It is a warrior's stone and was traditionally set into shields and sword hilts to give protection in battle. Garnet is a useful stone in a crisis as it can fortify, activate and strengthen the survival instinct bringing courage and hope into hopeless situations, thus turning a crisis into a challenge. It can also remove inhibitions and taboos opening up the heart and bestowing self-confidence. Garnet can be placed on the Base Chakra to boost and energise the whole Chakra System giving you increased energy and endurance.



Amethyst is the Birthstone of February and is said to aid creative thinking and spiritual awareness. It is a protective stone and wearing it as jewellery or carrying it in your pocket is said to protect against psychic attack. Placing Amethyst by the side of your bed while you sleep is thought to reduce nightmares. In healing Amethyst can be placed on the Brow and the Crown Chakras. It is believed to ease headaches, release tension, relieve physical and emotional pain and help combat addictions. It is also reputed to reduce swellings and bruises. Amethyst is one of the most versatile healing stones and can be used in several crystal healing layouts.



Aquamarine is the Birthstone of March.  Legend says that it is the treasure of mermaids and in ancient times sailors often carried Aquamarine to protect them against drowning. Aquamarine is said to be the Stone of Courage and is believed to instill courage and fortitude. Its energies are calming and it is thought to act to reduce stress and quieten the mind, thus clarifying perception, sharpening the intellect and removing confusion. It is a good stone for promoting creative self-expression and for removing blocks to communication. Aquamarine is also believed to give strength to deal with difficult situations and to allow you to stay focused under pressure. Placing Aquamarine on the throat chakra is believed to help alleviate problems of the throat, swollen glands and the thyroid.


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, it is known as the Master Healing Crystal because it contains the full spectrum of light and as such will work on every level to bring the body into balance. It strengthens and stabilizes the body's energy fields and promotes harmony. Quartz can amplify both positive thoughts and energy and can stimulate positive action when it is needed. It can be held or worn to promote clarity of thought and to help you to see your way more clearly. Place Quartz near your computer monitor to help dispel static electricity and to combat radiation. Quartz is said to help you release any negative energy you may have absorbed from other people and to help you to fight feelings of inadequacy. Quartz can be used to harmonize all the Chakras as it contains all the colours in the light spectrum.



Chrysoprase is the birthstone for May. Chrysoprase is said to be a problem clarifier. It brings unconscious thoughts to the surface and allows insights into personal problems. It gives an acceptance of oneself and others and encourages forgiveness and compassion.  Chrysoprase is also believed to draw out inner talents and stimulate creativity while its gentle vibrations are used to aid sleep and relaxation and to reduce nightmares. Chrysoprase is said to bring the energy of springtime and renewal and to help you let go of feelings of jealousy, resentment, selfishness, greed, hypochondria and scarcity. Chrysoprase is linked to the Heart Chakra. Placing it on this area will expand and relax any feeling of tightness and anxiety trapped there.



Moonstone is the birthstone for June and  is believed to be strongly connected to the moon. It is a calming stone and can be very effective in soothing the emotions. Moonstone is said to be the stone of women and is believed to enhance feminity, gentleness, receptivity and intuition. It is said to help reduce PMT and to lesson the problems associated with the menopause by slowing down the hormonal changes. Wearing Moonstone as a pendant or placing it on the Brow Chakra is said to enhance your psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Placing this crystal on the Solar Plexus or Heart Chakra is said to bring forward old emotional issues which can then be dissolved. In healing Moonstone is believed to heal upper digestive disorders that are being caused by old emotional problems.



Carnelian is the Birthstone of July it is a stabilising stone it restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity.  It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success.  Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind.  It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.  It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness.  Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception.  It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy.  Protects against envy, rage and resentment.  Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life.



Peridot is the birthstone for August.  Peridot is a powerful cleansing stone. It’s clear, fresh energy rejuvenates the whole body and gives the encouragement of renewal and a fresh start. It is said to help release burdens, guilt and obsessions and it is thought to enhance confidence and assertiveness. In ancient times Peridot was believed to keep away evil spirits and today it is used as a protective stone for the aura. Peridot can be placed on the Heart Chakra to cleanse and heal it.


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is the birthstone for September. Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue crystal flecked with white and gold. It is a highly prized gemstone. Lapis Lazuli is thought to stimulate the higher levels of the mind encouraging clarity and objectivity. It is also believed to allow the release of stress bringing deep inner peace. Lapis Lazuli is said to facilitate self-knowledge and self-expression and, when used in meditation, to enhance psychic ability and spiritual insight. In healing Lapis Lazuli balances the Throat Chakra and the Brow Chakra. and is believed to help overcome depression, lower blood pressure and to boost the immune system and the thyroid. Lapis Lazuli is also said to be beneficial for alleviating migraine headaches & insomnia.



Opal is the birthstone for October.  Opal most known for its ability to bring one’s traits and characteristics to the surface for examination and transformation. Just as Opal absorbs and reflects light, it picks up thoughts and feelings, desires and buried emotions, amplifying them and returning them to the source. While magnifying one’s negative attributes may prove to be uncomfortable, it allows for understanding how destructive these emotions can be and assists the process of letting them go. Opal also illuminates the positive actions and emotions of the self, enhancing the good and true, and fostering one’s highest potential. It is a karmic stone with a reminder that what one sends out will return.



Citrine is the Birthstone of November and a 'feel good' crystal. It can help banish negativity and deep gloom and inspire enthusiasm, originality, a positive outlook and feelings of self-confidence. Wearing a Citrine is said to overcome difficulties in verbalising thoughts and feelings. Citrine is said to help in the achievement of personal goals and to help you to explore every avenue until you find the best solution to a problem. It is therefore a good stone to have around you in a business or work environment. Carrying or wearing Citrine is believed to have a positive effect on cash flow and is said to invite wealth and abundance into your life.  Citrine can be used to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra can increase your sense of personal power.



Turquoise is the birthstone for December. Turquoise is a protective stone and has been used throughout the ages for protective amulets. Today it is believed to protect against outside influences and pollutants in the atmosphere. Turquoise can assist creative problem solving and can calm the nerves when speaking in public. It is also believed to stabilise mood swings, dissolve self-sabotage and allow self-expression. Turquoise is good crystal to wear when you have decisions to make as it can encourage self-questioning. Turquoise is a Master Healer and can be placed on all the Seven Chakras but is especially beneficial for the Brow Chakra and the Throat Chakra. Placing turquoise on the Brow Chakra is said to enhance intuition and meditation, while placing it on the throat gently purifies the Throat Chakra and can be beneficial to the thyroid and the voice.


Small - To fit 14cm - 16cm circumference wrist
Medium - To fit 16cm - 18cm circumference wrist
Large - To fit 18cm - 20cm circumference wrist

For larger sizes please specify the size required in notes at checkout.

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