
The Epiphany celebrates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. It also celebrates Jesus’ birth.
The Western Church began celebrating the Epiphany in the 4th century where it was, and still is, associated with the visit of the magi (wise men) to the infant Jesus when God revealed himself to the world through the incarnation of Jesus.
In Orthodox churches, Epiphany is also known as 'The Feast of the Holy Theophany' and it is as important as Christmas. During the services to celebrate Epiphany, on the eve of the feast and on the feast day, water is blessed (some churches only bless water at one service). This is to remember Jesus's baptism. The blessed water is used in church services during the rest of the year. People are often baptised on the Feast of the Holy Theophany. After the service, the water is also used by a priest to bless the houses of people in the church. It can sometimes take days or even weeks for the priest to visit all the houses and bless them.