The Full Moon will be in Virgo on March the 18th. The energy of the sign is associated with growth and development, not rapid, though, but gradual and consistent. The theme of this Full Moon is a return from working with our subconscious, spiritual guides and inner work to fully grounding ourselves with daily affairs. We have taken what we need from the other worlds it is time to return to our Mother Earth.
This is perfect timing as we are also working with the energies of Ostara. The earth festival of fertility and sowing seeds. Get working with the soil to plant your crops for harvesting in the coming months.
Rely on logic and common sense in your decision-making. Analyze everything that happens to you, plan your physical, moral and intellectual development, and work on your habits.
Show empathy and tolerance in your relationships with your loved ones. Sometimes it can be hard to avoid excessive criticism but try thinking how it feels in another person’s shoes to understand the motives for their actions. Offer your help as often as possible without asking for anything in return, the universe will appreciate this.
On the day of the Full Moon put your things in order and get rid of what you do not really care about. Go for a walk, enjoy your oneness with nature and the world around you. Take up needlework, attend some master class – when the Full Moon is in Virgo, it is especially important for us to ground ourselves when the time is right.
The rest of the lunar month will favour simple little things in life. Gratitude in all things is especially important at this time, even the cup that you use to drink your morning cuppa in will have some special value and meaning for you.
And remember that order is the chaos, in which a lot of work has been invested.