full wolf moon

According to the tropicalzodiac, a very powerful Full Moon will occur in Cancer on the night of January17–18. The moon is in its abode — meaning that we will be overly emotional andsusceptible to even the minutest events of our lives in the coming days.
The mission of the coming Full Moon is to learnto forgive and let go, so that we can move on light-heartedly. Also, when themoon is in Cancer, our intuition is heightened. You may seem you know theanswer to a question even before you hear it. Nevertheless, always carefullyconsider every life situation and never rush to judgments. This especiallyapplies to relationships and current affairs, because in addition to Venusretrograde, Mercury is also retrograde. Although in its entirety the period isbelieved to be difficult, there is still much to be gained from it.
Try to finish work early and invest some time intaking care of your own comfort. Turn your way back home into a leisurely walk— Cancer is never in a hurry! Admire the beauty of the world around you,reflect on the past and try to learn a lesson for the future. The energy of thesign is associated with progress into your inner self, so the likelihood ofgetting a useful insight these days is immensely increased.
Once you are at home, clean your closet, bake acake and spend the evening with your loved ones playing a board game orwatching your favourite show. Or if you want to spend a day filled withactivities, make a difference in this world — share your warmth with those whoespecially need it now.
Remember that even strong people sometimes needa strong shoulder.