The New Moon Will Rise In Sagittarius

The New Moon will rise inSagittarius on the 4th of December and fill us with enthusiasm,optimism and joy for the next month.
On the emotional side, this period ischaracterized by tranquillity and focus. Good spirits will be staying with us,we feel psyched up and are filled with energy for new achievements.
The purpose of Sagittarius is to select and setgoals for the future. During these days, it is good to think about yourdevelopment for the next year, weigh your prospects and make plans. This NewMoon will notably make some revelations – keep an eye for them in randomsituations, literary pieces, and mysterious hints.
Communication during the season of Sagittariusis trouble-free, it is easy for us to make new acquaintances and have fun withold friends. Romantic relationships will shine in new colours, but this time isnot the best period to try to resolve ongoing conflicts.
The following month is also great for learning.Moreover, you will be equally great as a student and a mentor. Feel free toshare your expertise and be open to new experiences. In terms of creativity,focus on group activities.
Show persistence and diligence – there is achance you will be promoted at work. However, the key to success is to reallyenjoy the process, be engaged and interested.
To activate the fiery energy of Sagittarius, wesuggest you take up dancing – express yourself with your body language, enjoythe music, give free play to your emotions.