Ostara  / Easter Transition Journal (DOWNLOAD)
Ostara  / Easter Transition Journal (DOWNLOAD)

This beautiful transitional journal has been written from the heart with information and knowledge I have gathered over years of research, practice, intuition & spiritual downloads.

It is an informative Journal which offers ideas for you to align yourself with the rhythms of nature especially at the fresh energies of Ostara, with ancient rituals, crafts, stories & poems.  If offers you ideas on what to do in your garden or outdoor space to plant your own seeds, what to watch out for in nature and how to enjoy the bountiful gifts that Mother Nature presents us and how to feel connected to her protective earth spirits.

There is space to journal with guided meditations, this a working transitional journal to assist you in making the most of your flow through spring into summer and the next earth festival of Beltane.

This Ostara  / Easter Transition Journal is available as a instant pdf download.

Hand written with so much love and blessings by Laura the creator of Beautiful Boho.


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